EGO Mag was a Belgian monthly magazine focusing on the lifestyle of the rich and famous, putting also a spotlight on fashion, VIP parties, music, cinema, art,...
Following Michael Jackson's death, the publisher decided at the last moment to change the cover. A few hours before sending the PDF to the printer, we had to create a new cover. We had no free-of-charge photos of Michael Jackson so I came up with this idea which was immediately approved. The outline of the very recognisable Michael Jackson profile filled with the list of all his songs.

At 6:00 am, EGO Mag's director sent me an email in which I felt his nervousness. The PDF had to be delivered to the printer in less than 3 hours, but he didn't have the time to write the editor's column.
As I had nothing to do but to monitor the export of the PDFs from InDesign, I proposed to him that I could write the column. I put myself in the mind of his readers and in less than 30 minutes wrote this text about M.J.

On this project I was sitting in both the proofing and prepress seats. Over 10 days, I progressively received the 168 pages made by the InDesign operator. I reviewed the quality of the French texts, cleaned and applied typographic rules with customised scripts, supervised color management, preflighted each page, and was responsible for the delivery of the press-quality PDFs to the printer.