Photos and cover art for skeyes’ book

For skeyes’ book about the history of Air Traffic Management in Belgium, they wanted a cover that could describe the concept of ATM technologies in a historic perspective. I was just finishing a series of photos of old and new radars. These radars have evolved in the way they display the positions of aircraft.
The display screen of a radar built in the late 1980s/early 1990s:

The display screen of a modern radar:

I blended both images and proposed a layout that was accepted straight away.

Then the publisher fine tuned the layout to match it with skeyes’ graphic charter.
In the book, 44 of my photos were used.

The printed version of the book has a circulation of 3,000 copies and will be exclusively distributed to skeyes’ employees, stakeholders, clients, to the government,…
The electronic version of the book is free and is available in the PDF format
<> and in the Fixed-layout EPUB format <>.
The presentation of the book took place on 17 January 2020 in skeyes’ premises.