Illuminated “timeline” wall spanning in a slight curve over almost 20 meters and showing the European Commission history from its beginnings until today. (Mission for Créaset)

Technical specifications of the physical “timeline” :
Printed fabric spanning 18 m x 2.3 m • Edge-to-edge backlit display • Light dimmer
Printed fabric spanning 18 m x 2.3 m • Edge-to-edge backlit display • Light dimmer

Linked to the “timeline”, two interactive touchscreen tables in all 24 official languages where visitors can deepen their knowledge of the Commission history with additional content: extended stories, videos, glossary,...

A screenshot of the interactive table. See the demo here http://www.branislavmilic.com/portfolio/v1/01407.html

The contents and the design of the “timeline” wall was elaborated jointly between the contractor responsible for the interior design of the centre (Branislav Milic commissioned by Créaset) and the University of Louvain under the supervision of the Visitors’ Centre.
The “timeline” wall consists of the following three elements:
1. Commission history chronology
In the centre, in chronological order from left to right, a section on each Commission, named after its President, with photographs of the President and the College, followed to the right by important decisions under each Commission that correspond to the four main roles of the Commission, in four different colour lines.
In the centre, in chronological order from left to right, a section on each Commission, named after its President, with photographs of the President and the College, followed to the right by important decisions under each Commission that correspond to the four main roles of the Commission, in four different colour lines.
2. Overview of main Commission policy areas
Surrounding the different Commissions, on the top and below, “bubbles” reflecting the main policy areas on which the particular Commissions have been most active.
Surrounding the different Commissions, on the top and below, “bubbles” reflecting the main policy areas on which the particular Commissions have been most active.

3. European and international history chronology
At the bottom, in parallel to the different Commissions above, and equally chronological from left to right, a line with important European and international events as a background reference.
We have also developed a Back End panel where the client can edit the content of the timeline (text, translations, images, position of some items, to add a new Commission,...) and then push, with just a click of the mouse, the update to the touchscreens and the Web versions.

Installation day

Inauguration during the Open Days of the European Union on 4 May 2013 in Brussels.

Inauguration during the Open Days of the European Union on 4 May 2013 in Brussels.

During a regular visit at the European Commission's Charlemagne building.
The printed version of the timeline project was created using
- Adobe InDesign CS6 for the layout and InDesign CS5 for the PDF export (because of a nasty PDF Export bug in CS6),
- em software's InCatalog,
- a series of customized JavaScript.
- Adobe InDesign CS6 for the layout and InDesign CS5 for the PDF export (because of a nasty PDF Export bug in CS6),
- em software's InCatalog,
- a series of customized JavaScript.
The interactive version of the timeline was created by a third-party developer with a series of open source technologies for the Web: MySQL, PHP, HTML5, JavaScript,...